Hair & Homeopathy

Hair Loss –
Hair loss can occur at any age, and can be prevalent in both males and females. Hair loss in itself is not a disease, but a sign that often indicates that there is something not well in your body. The hairs may fall due to a local infection or due to a systemic disorder or deficiency. Hair loss occurs as a result of various diseases or factors and in different patterns.
Various Patterns of hair loss:
1) Alopecia Areata: This type of hair loss is the auto immune related form. In this form, the immune cells of the body mistake the hair cells as a foreign body and start destroying them. In this pattern, the hair loss occurs in patches / spots. It is common in people below 20 years of age.
2) Baldness / Alopecia Totalis: In this pattern, the entire scalp loses hair, which is mainly hereditary and age related.
3) Telogen Effluvium: The medical term for thinning or shedding of hair is Telogen Effluvium.
4) Androgenetic Alopecia (includes Male pattern baldness and Female pattern baldness): This type of baldness is caused by genetic and hormonal factors. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men in which the hairline gets receded backwards. This is in turn followed by thinning and loss of hair on the top (vertex) and sides (temple) of the scalp. In Female pattern baldness, there is thinning of hair on top of the scalp, and is less severe than in males.
5) Alopecia Universalis: complete loss of hair from the scalp and body is called Alopecia Universalis.
The various causes / factors leading to hair loss include:
1) Skin diseases affecting the scalp like fungal infection of scalp known as tinea capitis, seborrhoea (dandruff), eczema of scalp, or lichen planus.
2) Genetic factors.
3) Hormonal changes including those that occur after childbirth and during menopause.
4) Nutritional deficiencies due to a diet that lacks iron (leading to anemia), and also lack of protein intake.
5) Recovery from acute fever like typhoid and erysipelas leads to diffuse hair loss.
6) Drug use like the ones that are used in treating high blood pressure, joint pains, cancer, or depression. Anagen effluvium refers to the condition of hair loss due to chemotherapy in a cancer patient.
7) Physical trauma / injury to head.
8) Emotional trauma like constant stress or grief due to loss of a family member / close friend.
9) General diseases like diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, Hypothyroidism, or AIDS.
10) Auto-immune related hair loss in which the hair cells are mistaken for a foreign body and are destroyed by the immune cells of the body.
11) Hairstyles like tight braids or ponytails where the hair is tightly pulled backwards leading to traction alopecia; indiscriminate use of hair colors and hair straighteners.
12) Trichotillomania, which is a mental disorder in which the affected person voluntarily pulls out his / her scalp hair.
Hair-loss is again just an indicator that there is something not well in your body. The hairs may fall due to a local infection or due to a systemic disorder or deficiency. The treatment also varies accordingly.
Homeopathy is gaining worldwide acceptance today as a natural cure for hair loss. Homeopathic treatment for hair loss is not only natural but also free from any side effects. It can be easily administered, and is suitable for men as well as women of all age groups. Homeopathic hair growth remedies should be used after consulting a professional Homeopath.
Factors important to consider before one starts hair treatment homeopathically-
- Root cause
- Internal factors (constitutional factor in homeopathy)
- Hereditary factor
To treat hair loss through homeopathy detail case history of the patient needs to be studied. The cause and site of hair loss are to be noted down along with the constitutional symptoms of the patient which are given prime importance in any kind of case of hair loss. The constitutional symptoms include the eating habits, level of thirst, thermals, mental symptom etc. and these are to be given top position in forming the totality of symptoms while case taking. After the case has been properly evaluated, the case homeopathic medicine is administered to the patient.
Some important homeopathic medicines that help in treatment of Hair Fall are Fluoric acid, Phosphoric acid, Phosphorus, Graphites, Mezereum, Silica, Psorinum.
The above given are thus some of the most widely required drugs for the different hair problems.
Finally the necessity to figure out the exact Homeopathic Constitutional Remedy is the crux of long-term positive result in cases of hair fall and baldness!
Care Towards Cure have cured no. of cases of hair ailments with Classical method of Homeopathy.